是 但 求 其
誰會需要治療 ?

藝術治療相信每個人都有天賦的創造本能, 如能獲得激發, 治療的第一步就能踏出。但是,有沒有想過治療師本身也是人?
Help in Six Days
Written by: Ivy Fung
‘…run, run, run…’ ‘…the gigantic waves looked like a black devil’s claw…’ ‘…will the big wave take mama back?’ ‘…I’m not scared of the sea, never! I go to the beach everyday to look for my two sons, I know they’re waiting for me…’ My heart is still beating hard when these episodes came up to my mind, and I am sure there is no way for the Tsunami survivors to wash away the memory of such a tragedy. As an art therapist, I work with different people with diverse needs or difficulties, but working with people who went through such major trauma was unexpectedly challenging. The huge loss and shock experienced by the survivors were far beyond my imagination, ‘What can I do to help in six days?’ I asked myself. As the process went on, I got clearer and clearer answers: What I can do to help was to acknowledge the limitation of human capacity, but also to appreciate the strength in mankind to fight to survive; moreover, to believe in the power of art which taps into the human instinct to create and re-create, and to trust my own professional judgment as a therapist. Here I send the warmest wishes to all Tsunami survivors and their deceased friends and families. I would also like to express my gratitude to my loved ones and my family who supported me greatly whilst going on this trip.
治療師背後都有一個治療師 backup.
*ps : the left two is Ivy Fung
呀茂整餅 !!
治療師口述了一個真實case, 有次她去小欖一所監獄進行藝術治療的工作, 當中一名老囚犯在畫紙上畫了一個大餅, 餅上寫了“呀茂” 兩個字, 態度甚為丕視。治療師不以為然,在下次的探訪中繼續給他紙和筆,但他依然無動於衷。
治療師解釋說:她從來都沒有小看藝術的能力,也不會替藝術擔心,總有一刻,人會需要借著某種管道將抑壓釋放, 藝術就是作為這種途徑。
曾在一個art therapy 的short course中, 有一堂的題目是“試畫出一個令你一生中覺得掙扎的人”,治療師姐姐就會從我們的分享中作出引導,分析,支持, 以至達到自我治療的作用。
所有人必須靜默地面對自己及畫紙,徐徐畫上過往的歷史。(因此我懷疑RMIT 的同學仔可唔可以30分鐘唔出聲起勢畫畫)在分享的過程中, 有一女同學仔解釋她畫的是一個交通意外的現場, 她在簡陋的筆觸中畫出她家姐遭遇車禍死亡的馬路, 一條深深的車痕畫過畫紙。
她在分享的過程中難掩創傷的經歷,及至泣不成聲,隨著她描述的情景,對家姐的感情,過身後的影響,室內的空氣都給凝住了,氣溫變暖,每人像走過一段自我創傷的歷程。畫, 它已經不是看與被看的關係。此刻,我最能感受的是------藝術所隱藏的能力。
Artist statement, research, statistic, concept……那一樣及你的情感重要?

夏利豪其中的一個評審對我說: 物件的轉化若只依賴物料的改變而推展它的可能性, 那只是剛在起步的階段;更深入的進展是將型體也一同改變, 但卻可以保留它的獨特性, 或產生更深入的意義。
too deep? 只不過叫人develop, develop, 再develop...
Jerry說: "出到黎...人地就會狠狠的俾意見"
but its sound good for me.